October 18, 2018

More about Us

Around our City

We're excited to meet you!

We are a small group of friends who live in the Little Rock area who simply want to love Jesus more than we did yesterday and introduce the people in our city to Him. We believe He holds the words of peace, love, and freedom, and we only exist as a community because of Him.

Right now we are simply seeking to grow deeper as a community and love and serve our community. The best way you can connect with us is attending one of our lifegroups and getting to know more of what we are all about. If you need help finding one, just check out our Find a Lifegroup page, and we'll get you connected to one. We're excited to get to know you!


Recent Posts

We're going to be going over two things: 1) A brief history of our church’s finances and something financially that we want to invite everyone into moving forward‍, and 2) An overview of what scripture has to teach about giving and money

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