
We are called to be a Family

God has given us the church as a gift for our strengthening, encouragement, and challenging. We believe we are meant to do life together in biblical community.


Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.


Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.


Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.

We believe and Teach the Bible

We believe the Bible has all of the answers about who God is and how to live our lives.


Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.

School Year 2024-2025


Dates: September 6th, 2024 through early May of 2025
(the final date will be determined by the international trip scheduled for the end of the school year)

Meeting Times: Sunday evenings 5-8:30pm + one Saturday morning or afternoon per month

Cost: $1,500 per student
(payment plans will be available but at least $750 is due by the first day of school)

Eligible Age Groups: 18 or older

Application Due Date
: July 30th, 2024

Interview Dates: Beginning July 21, 2024

Admission Decision Dates: Up through August 31st, 2024

Student Expectations

First and foremost, we want to make sure that you have waited, prayed, and sought the Lord about doing this Discipleship School. The school itself can be surprisngly challenging and cause you to wrestle through your faith in a healthy way. We encourage you to really think and pray through waht you're hoping to get out of the year and hear from the Lord about what He wants. You will get a lot out of going through thisprogram if you are fully committed. However, you will miss outon some rich opportunities if you end up "coasting" through the year.

Below are some of the specific expectations we have of students in the Discipleship School:

1. Be a Follower of Jesus - While there is plenty of space in our community for those still figuring out who Jesus is and what importance He has in their lives, the Discipleship School is a place for already-committed Christians and followers of Jesus. The school's purpose is to train believers how to be disciples and disciple-makers of Jesus.

2. Personal Time With Jesus - We ask that everyone have a daily devotional, focused, quiet time with Jesus. We believe the devotional life is critical to the faith and will be absolutely necessary for this year and beyond.

3. Attendance - We expect all students to be in attendance at least 90% of the time. Along with attendance, we expect everyone to be on time. That means seated and ready to go. Our time together is valuable and coming together at all in the first place, for some, takes a lot of effort, cost, and schedule-arranging. We honor those sacrifices by being on time. Students with children will need to secure childcare during the weekly regular class times.

4. Required Readings - Throughout the school year all students will be assigned Bible readings and book readings that need to be completed outside of class time. These are critical and form the basis for a lot of what is talked about during class time, so they need to have been completed before you come to class.

5. Memory Verses - In addition to readings, students will also be assigned Bible verses that need to be memorized and recited to a staff member.

6. Contribute to Meals - Practicing hospitality is a critical component of the Christian life. We will eat dinner for the first hour of class time, except during corporate fasts. We will all share responsibility in putting together this meal.

7. Involvement with our Local Antioch Church - A significant component of the Discipleship School is becoming personally known, vulnerable and open with other students and believers who can then help you take steps forward in your walk with the Lord. This is best done when you have utilized your time and service to the brothers and sisters in one community.  We ask students to commit their time and service to Antioch Little Rock.

- 7a. Attending a Lifegroup - In addition to the weekly meeting, students are expected to be members of a weekly Lifegroup gathering. This is a group of people that will relationally connect with you and help you feel known, loved, and on mission together. It is not only a great place to receive these things but also a great place to invest and pour into others as well. We encourage you to use your Lifegroup as a place to "do family" and invite others into it. We have Lifegroups that meet weekly on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings.

- 7b. Attend Corporate Gatherings - Students are expected to be in regular attendance at Antioch Little Rock's Sunday gatherings. Our corporate gatherings on Sunday mornings at 10:30am is where the larger church can come together to the same space and worship Jesus together. It's also the only regular weekly time where you can fellowship with other people in the church not in your normal circles.

- 7c. Serving the Church - We ask that you would intentionally find ways to help serve the Antioch Little Rock community. This can look like being a volunteer with the kids ministry, being a greeter on Sunday mornings, playing in the worship band, serving administratively, or anything else where the church is built up.

- 7d. Participate In A Discipleship Group - All students will be in a smaller group within the school called "discipleship groups" led by a staff member or volunteer from the church. The nuts & bolts of obeying Jesus and applying what you're learning are navigated in these discipleship groups. Your presence and openness are key to these groups being impactful.

- 7e. Participate In Corporate Fasts - At certain times throughout the year, the church and our class will fast together. Students are asked to participate in these fasts. If you have physical and/or medical concerns with fasting, please speak with your doctor to gain clarity on what is safe for your specific situation.

8. Fall Outreach and Retreats - We will take at least 2 trips to domestic locations throughout the school year. While some of these might take place over a weekend, some will happen during the week. We will announce these dates in advance so students can arrange to be off of work and free to attend. While these might feel like "extra" class times, they are very important events that are huge for  building class comradery and experiencing the mission of God.

The first retreat will be a kick-off retreat scheduled for Friday evening, September 6 - Sunday, September 8, 2024. Please be sure you are available on these dates!

9. Spring Mission Trip
- In the spring, the entire class will embark on a week-long trip to work alongside an Antioch church, or missionaries, doing evangelistic work.  All students will need the time to attend and will be support raising the funds to pay for this trip (under our guidance and direction) throughout the year. Students with children will be able to bring them.


Balancing accessibility to the Discipleship School while maintaining foundational requirements is key to a successful program. If you see anything on the application or in the student expectations that may be a hurdle for you, please apply anyway and we can talk together about it during the interview.

Apply For School Year 2024-2025
growing in unity

Loving & Reaching
The World

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Nulla porttitor malesuada urna non convallis. 

Nulla porttitor malesuada urna non convallis. 
Donec lobortis lectus ut nisi ultricies, in scelerisque ante egestas vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit eu, hendrerit molestie dui. Quisque vel magna ac nulla aliquet convallis et a velit.

What We Believe

Vivamus ultricies fermentum erat, vel congue nisi tincidunt dignissim. Aliquam blandit, urna nec dapibus auctor, nibh sapien rutrum tortor.

Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet-

Cras pulvinar ultricies vehicula. Cras et nulla id lorem vulputate pulvinar eget non neque. Proin feugiat justo vitae euismod fringilla. In a nunc commodo, elementum metus aliquam metus.

Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet-

Cras pulvinar ultricies vehicula. Cras et nulla id lorem vulputate pulvinar eget non neque. Proin feugiat justo vitae euismod fringilla. In a nunc commodo, elementum metus aliquam metus.

Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet-

Cras pulvinar ultricies vehicula. Cras et nulla id lorem vulputate pulvinar eget non neque. Proin feugiat justo vitae euismod fringilla. In a nunc commodo, elementum metus aliquam metus.

Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet-

Cras pulvinar ultricies vehicula. Cras et nulla id lorem vulputate pulvinar eget non neque. Proin feugiat justo vitae euismod fringilla. In a nunc commodo, elementum metus aliquam metus.